We’ve made it easier than ever to support BARN’s mission. When you visit BainbridgeBARN.org/Give, you can now choose to make any gift a monthly contribution. Simply select “Monthly” from the dropdown menu when completing your donation.

Your monthly gift to BARN creates a dependable foundation for creativity and learning in our community. By becoming a monthly donor, you help ensure our workshops stay equipped, our programs remain accessible, and our community service projects continue to thrive. It’s a simple yet powerful way to sustain the craft, innovation, and connection that make BARN unique.

Visit BainbridgeBARN.org/Give today and select the monthly giving option to make an ongoing impact.

BARN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your recurring donation is tax-deductible and can be modified or canceled anytime. Questions? Contact BARN’s Development Manager Jess Henderson at jessh@bainbridgebarn.org or (206) 842-4475 x203.