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Print and Book Arts2024-05-28T16:09:08-07:00

Express Yourself with Ink and Paper

Color, texture, text and images can be applied to paper in many different ways. The tools and expertise you need to explore them can be found in the Print & Book Arts studio. From the ancient craft of letterpress to using technology as part of the printing process, we’re here to help.

Renowned printmaking instructors come to BARN to share their knowledge. Book Arts is a regional specialty; the studio offers classes in the many facets of creating artists’ books. Taking an introductory class in any print discipline will give you the skills you need to use the equipment for your own projects.

Upcoming Print & Book Arts Events


Printmaking is an artistic process involving the transfer of images from a substrate or plate onto paper using a press. BARN’s Print & Book Arts studio gives students and members access to a high-quality Takach Etching Press.

Printmaking can be done using many different techniques. At BARN, we focus primarily on monotype, linoleum block printing, drypoint etching on plexiglass, and shellac plate. Not familiar with those techniques? We’re here to help, regardless of where you are on your printmaking journey.

Person putting ink on a linoleum plate in Print and Book Arts
Composing stick with letterpress text


Moveable type meets fine paper. Letterpress is a method of relief printing that dates back to the 15th century. The process of assembling individual letters, whether for poems or posters, can be both creative and meditative. Add ink, and the force of the press results in prints that are subtly tactile.

BARN maintains a serious collection of type in an environment that invites formal typography, whimsical experimentation, and any number of stops in between.

Book Arts

Artists’ Books are works of art that use the form of a book. They often are produced as a one-of-a-kind object and feature embellishments such as pop-ups, accordion folds, or loose items contained in a box. Some are sculptural. BARN’s Book Arts community can give you the knowledge to set your imagination free. Binding, cutting, pop-up design, and more are taught at BARN.

Book artist working on pages in the BARN Print and Book Arts Studio
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Open Studio

Work on your own projects during Open Studio. To attend, first take one of our studio orientation. Learn more »

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Print and Book Arts News

Studio Lead

Jane Kim

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