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Book Arts

The Art of Connection: Yori and Dana Seeger Find Their Place

January 17, 2025|Book Arts, Classes/Events, Drawing & Painting, Member Spotlight, Metal Fabrication, Newsletters, Printmaking, Woodworking|

In the rolling hills outside Poulsbo lies an acreage called Tuuleveski Talu—Estonian for "Windmill Farm." Here, sculptor and blacksmith Yori Seeger and his wife ...Full story »

Welcome to the New!

June 16, 2023|Book Arts, Classes/Events, Culinary Arts, Fiber Arts, Glass Arts, Jewelry, Media Arts, Metal Fabrication, Newsletters, Printmaking, Tech Lab, Woodworking, Writers|

Welcome to the new online experience at Enjoy easier searching and navigation, plus more ways to explore and participate. Try out the new ...Full story »

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