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  • Don't forget to stop by the Wood Works exhibition in The Commons to view dozens of inspirational pieces by BARN woodworkers.

Woodworking & Small Boatbuilding Studio Updates for August

There won’t be a Saturday Monthly Meeting in August because many people will be away enjoying the wonderful summer. However, we do have two special speakers scheduled for September and October. The two topics are polar opposites, but both are greatly anticipated, and we expect them to be well-attended.

Wyckoff /Eagle Harbor Superfund Site EPA Project Manager Jacob Moersen
Saturday, Sept. 7, 10 AM
BARN Great Room
Come hear the history and status of the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site on Bainbridge Island. Located near Pritchard Park, this highly contaminated property was once the country’s largest wood-treatment facility. There’s so much more to learn about its history, current status, and future construction phase. EPA Project Manager Jacob Moersen will discuss plans for cleanup, including a recent assessment of the climate and seismic risks affecting the site.

Professional artist, wood carver, and sculptor Dan Webb discusses his new Seattle Center installation, “Right Here”

Saturday, Oct. 12, 10 AM
BARN Great Room
We’re fortunate to have a fabulous speaker return to BARN. If you missed Dan Webb’s presentation a few years ago, ask anyone who attended and they’ll say it was eye-popping. This will be an entirely new presentation on a very large scale.

Dan will speak about his recent major work at the new Seattle Convention Center. What makes this presentation unique is the massive madrona wood carving and glass piece (19 feet) suspended from the ceiling, along with a 20-foot bench positioned below. Learn how such a huge piece was designed/made and about the logistics of installation. No photo of the piece is included in this announcement, intentionally. Come to the presentation to see this amazing work of art!

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2024-08-07T10:22:52-07:00August 7, 2024|Newsletters, Woodworking|
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