Today, two members of the Island Cooperative Preschool organization, Sunny Stanley and Ellen Carleson tell us about the preschool and a very important upcoming event:

 The Island Cooperative Preschool is hosting the annual Spring Concert on Sunday, March 19, at IslandWood. The doors open at 12 PM and the concert starts at 12:30 PM. This year, we are showcasing the very talented, local musician and dad, Johnny Bregar who has been on NPR’s All Things Considered.

 This is the annual fundraiser, as well, and it its pivotal to our success as a cooperative preschool. All proceeds go to our scholarship fund, as we are committed to making our preschool accessible to all! 

 Tickets are $15 in advanced and $18 at the door. Babies in arms are free! Tickets can be purchased online at

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