From BCB…
Dr Marilyn Price-Mitchell created the Compass Advantage Program to help young people develop eight core abilities: curiosity, sociability, resilience, self-awareness, integrity, resourcefulness, creativity, and empathy. These abilities enable kids to chart their own course in life–they act like an internal compass or guidance system.
As a powerful community-building tool leading to a better understanding of what makes both youth and seniors thrive on Bainbridge Island, Marilyn is inviting seniors (50+adults) and high school seniors to participate in a Senior-to-Senior story share project. Each team of participants will move through a series of 6 weekly conversations designed to inspire meaningful reflection and sharing of lessons learned around these 8 core abilities.
This will be tied with a research project so that StoryShare participants will have the opportunity to contribute to research that will help parents, teachers, and our whole community better learn about the relationships and experiences that nurture the ‘compass abilities’ beginning in childhood.
Adults interested in participating should call WPCC at 842-1616 or stop by the Community Center.
Credits: BCB host and audio editor: Joanna Pyle; BCB social media publisher: Diane Walker.
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