In this 26-minute podcast, we learn the pros and cons of 6 alternative sites for the proposed new building for the City’s police department and municipal court.
We meet the local Bainbridge architect chosen by the City Council to review and rate the potential sites, Matthew Coates, who is president of Coates Design. And the conversation is joined by City Communications Manager Kellie Stickney, who reports on the citizen engagement session at City Hall on April 12th, when about 100 citizens offered feedback on the sites under consideration.
Matthew reports on the months of comparative analysis, and his findings, since he was appointed by the City Council last October.
Kellie encourages citizens to stay engaged in this open process to identify the best site and eventually design a building that could embody green and sustainable design features, and offer public benefits for decades to come.
Matthew describes the three sites that look least promising, in part because of inadequate size:
– Yaquina Road, east of 305
– North Madison Ave above 305, and
– 249 Winslow Way East.
And Matthew explains the pros and cons of the 3 highest scoring sites:
– New Brooklyn Road (the highest scoring site)
– wooded land north of Vineyard Lane, and
– the existing site at 305 and Winslow Way.
Citizens are encouraged to attend the next public meeting on this topic, at the 7pm meeting of the City Council on Tuesday May 2nd, when there will be a formal presentation by Matthew Coates and an opportunity for additional public comment.
Credits: BCB host, audio editor and social media publisher: Barry Peters.
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