Two Sherlock Holmes plays, a bit of musical theater, and an original play composed by the BPA Theatre School teens will all be featured in the school’s Spring Sendoff, June 7th and 8th at 7pm.
In this podcast you’ll learn about these shows and more as BPA’s new education director, Pete Benson, tells us about the school’s summer plans. Pete is ably assisted by Nobelle Wilkinson-Bennett, who’ll be playing Rapunzel’s prince in Into the Woods in August.
August performances of Into the Woods and Willy Wonka, plus an exciting new tech team class led by BPA’s new Technical Director, Mark Nichols — there’s a lot to look forward to in this year’s summer program at the BPA Theatre School.
For more information or to register for the Tech Team, visit the BPA website at Bainbridgeperformingarts. com — and don’t miss the Spring Sendoff, June 7th and 8th!
Credits: BCB host: Diane Walker; audio tech: Chris Walker; audio editor and publisher: Diane Walker.
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