Dinah Satterwhite, Bainbridge Island Winter Studio Tour Director and an artist in her own right, brings along two studio artists to this episode of What’s Up Bainbridge to discuss this year’s online visual experience. The other artists, Mike Biskup who specializes in watercolor and ink and Gigi Godfrey who dives deep into oil and gouache each discuss their respective approaches to their art and some interesting thoughts about their own processes.
With a beautifully designed new website, it is easy to connect to the nearly 40 local artists on the Spotlight page and view their unique offerings. There is also a Featured Artist page with interviews, videos and behind the scenes looks of artists in their studios, sharing their insights and creative environments.
Learn more about the Bainbridge Island Winter Studio Tour at: http://www.bistudiotour.com
Credits: BCB Host: Bob Ross: Audio/Editor: Keith Doughty: Publisher: Bob Ross
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