In this “What’s Up” podcast, Battle Point Astronomical Association president Steve Ruhl and Kids Astronomy director Dr. Erica Saint Clare talk with BCB host Sonia Scaer about the upcoming Saturday May 14th planetarium shows in Battle Point Park. This month’s theme is about exploring other planets that might possibly be inhabited by other life forms.

Steve will present a talk on exoplanets, which are planets that orbit a star other than the Sun. Over 2000 exoplanets have been discovered since 1988! And there are many more to discover. Steve invites us to learn how we see them and what they tell us about our solar system and other habitable worlds which might be out there.

Erica is offering a fun-filled children’s program. Kids pre-K to 5th grade are invited with their parents to learn about the “Drake equation” and what that has to do with exoplanets and why the number 2 is important. In the hands-on activity, participants will create their own planets and match their planet to a solar system.

Whether you are a beginner, experienced amateur or advanced astronomer, there’s something for you at the Saturday May 14th shows.

The “Kids’ Shows” are at 5PM and 6PM, and the “Exoplanet” presentation is at 8PM. There is a suggested $2 donation for nonmembers of the association, $5 for families. The shows are free to members of BPAA.

For more information on the events you may visit the BPAA website at

Credits: BCB host: Sonia Scaer; BCB audio editor: Tim Bird; BCB social media publisher: Barry Peters.