Swinging Hammer Productions presents “All in the Timing,” one-act plays by David Ives, produced by Tom Challinor with performances Thursday to Sunday January 21-24, 2016 at Bainbridge Performing Arts.
Renowned local actors such as John Ellis and Barbara Deering, and local directors will be joined by professional talent from Kitsap and Seattle.
We remember the annual One Act Festivals in the last five years that featured multiple new, local playwrights, directors and actors. This year’s one-acts will depart from that format, though still featuring some of Bainbridge’s best actors and directors.
Tom Challinor, formerly Director of Bainbridge Performing Arts’ Shakespeare Society, tells BCB host Channie Peters about this year’s winter one-act plays – all six in the performance by award-winning playwright, David Ives.
David Ives’ plays have been described as fast-paced humor with surprises and witty dialogue.
“Like sketches for some hilarious, celestially conceived revue. The writing is not only very funny, it has density of thought and precision of poetry…ALL IN THE TIMING is by a master of fun. David Ives spins hilarity out of words.” —NY Times
“Theatre that aerobicizes the brain and tickles the heart. Ives is a mordant comic who has put the play back in playwright…A wondrous wordmaster.” —Time Magazine
Find out about Tom Challinor’s latest project, Swinging Hammer Productions, which most recently produced David Mamet’s “American Buffalo”.
Tickets for all performances are on sale now at Swinging Hammer, and at Bainbridge Performing Arts or at the box office. The Thursday, January 21st performance is a “pay-what-you-can” preview. All performances start at 7:30 pm.
Credits: BCB host: Channie Peters; BCB audio editor: Tim Bird; BCB social media publisher: Barry Peters.
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