Recently named Island Treasure Nancy Rekow is a poet, a leader of poetry workshops for over 43 years, a poetry reading organizer, an editor/consultant for various books, and co-founder of NW Trillium Press. Listen here to learn more about her life and work.
Describing herself as a country mouse and a city mouse, Nancy grew up straddling two worlds — living on a farm in a small town in New Jersey but regularly heading into Manhattan for trips to the ballet, to Broadway, and to the museums.
So it should come as no surprise that when she moved to the Northwest 55 years ago, she chose to live on a 57-acre dairy farm on Bainbridge Island, with easy access to the city of Seattle.
Listen here as Nancy speaks with long-time Bainbridge resident and fellow author, Jeff Wenker, about her gradual evolution into the life of poetry: her earliest published poems, her collaborations with Bob McAllister on the Poetry Workshops, her efforts through the Poulsbohemian poetry readings and Ars Poetica to bring the work of other poets into the public eye, and her forays into publishing with NW Trillium Press and the beloved classic, Minnie Rose Lovgreens’s Recipe for Raising Chickens.
Credits: BCB guest host: Jeff Wenker; audio tech: Chris Walker; audio editor and social media publisher, Diane Walker.
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