From BCB…

In this podcast we meet Caroline Stevens, who will host the film Speaking of Dying Friday April 15, 6 pm at WPCC.  This event is the first of a three part series which also includes the End-of-Life: Respecting Choice Conference this weekend and the End of Life Planning Workshops which Stevens will lead starting April 28 at Bainbridge Island’s Waterfront Park Community Center.

1.  Speaking of Dying film

April 15, 6-7:30 p.m. WPCC; $5 at the door.

Produced locally by Trudy James, Speaking of Dying captures the importance of individuals and groups speaking openly about all aspects of the dying process. For a preview of the film go to

“This film is a good first step to begin the conversation about end of life. It is a very moving film with people actually talking about and anticipating their own death. It creates an opening in a person to verbalize their own fears and desires, to begin to visualize the kind of death they want or don’t want. It can be used to stimulate a conversation with one’s spouse, parent, child, or friend.”Caroline Stevens

2.  End-of-Life: Respecting Choice Conference – Saturday April 16 – 9-3.
     Pre-register: 842-1616

3.  Heartwork End of Life Planning Workshop: Waterfront Park Community Center April 28, May 5, 12, & 19 – Thursdays – 6-7:30 p.m.

“When I met Trudy James and learned about her work, I knew immediately that I wanted to do what she does. As I’ve become trained and had more time to think about it, I have understood that it is directly connected to meeting so many people and families in my work who were unprepared to face death.”

Register for class #162416-03 at or call 206-842-2306, ext. 118.

Credits: BCB host and audio editor: Joanna Pyle; social media publisher: Diane Walker.