If you enjoyed Robert Schenkkan’s Kentucky Cycle, directed by Kate Carruthers at Bainbridge Performing Arts in the spring of 2014, you won’t want to miss his newest play, Building the Wall, which will be presented at BPA for one weekend only, February 9-11.
In the context of a riveting prison interview between a historian and the former warden of an immigration detention facility, Building the Wall explores the potential consequences of our current administration’s immigration policies. The results are deeply disturbing.
Listen here as BCB’s Diane Walker talks with directors Kate Carruthers and Barbara Deering and actors Elena Flory-Barnes and Chip Wood about their motivations for tackling this play, and about the challenges and opportunities involved in producing a play that explores the dark side of complicity.
Building the Wall will be shown at BPA for three performances only: Friday & Saturday, February 9th and 10th @ 7:30 pm, and Sunday, February 11th @ 3 pm, with a Pay-What-You-Can Preview Thursday, February 8 @ 7:30 pm.
Post-performance talk-backs with the play’s cast and directors will also feature commentary from Althea Paulson, a retired attorney, now accredited by the Department of Justice to provide legal representation to immigrants through KIAC, and Dr. Jacqueline Helfgott (Sunday only), a criminologist and chair of the Seattle University Criminal Justice Department.
For tickets and information about this and other BPA productions, please visit BainbridgePerformingArts.org.
Credits: BCB host and publisher: Diane Walker; Audio tech provided by Chris Walker.
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