From BCB…
Bring out your inner ham with Waterfront Readers Theatre!
Would you like to join in helping create Waterfront Readers Theatre? Here’s an opportunity to perform poems, literature, monologues, & plays in a group where memorizing isn’t necessary. Readers Theatre is just that — theatrical reading — no costumes — no props. Everybody is welcome!
Bainbridge Parks & Rec is offering a Readers Theatre class facilitated by Anne Murphy, meeting Fridays 1pm-2pm at the Waterfront Park Community Center. Anne has suggested creating an ongoing readers theatre group/troupe with the tentative name: Waterfront Readers Theatre.
To get the conversation started about this potential theatre group and In the spirit of melodramatic fun the community is invited to attend a melodrama titled: The Fighting Females of the Forty-Fourth: Episode 68: — No Turn Unstoned, on Friday, March 25 at 1pm at Waterfront Park Community Center (on Brien Drive between T&C and Eagle Harbor)
In this podcast Catherine Exton, Joe Claseman, and Joyce Jensen discuss why they joined Anne’s Readers Theatre class, what their theatrical background and interests are, and their enthusiasm for creatively playing with words and allowing imagination to fill in the picture.
For more information, contact Heidi O’Brien by calling 206 478-1715 or email
Credits: BCB host and audio editor: Joanna Pyle; social media publisher: Diane Walker.
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