Ekphrastic poetry, a coptic bound travel journal, and linoleum printing: all fun opportunities to explore your creativity potential! If you’re just itching to try some new way to express yourself, be sure to check out the summer workshops being offered at the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art!
What, exactly, IS ekphrastic poetry? In this podcast, BIMA Education Director Kristin Tollefson explains, not just what ekphrasis is, but also the unique benefits of coptic binding and the highlights of the upcoming Wayzgoose Festival in Bremerton, and how it ties into linoleum printing. Curious? Listen here and learn all about it!
For more information about these fun introductory programs, to register to participate, and to learn more about all the excitement planned for BIMA this summer, be sure to visit their website at biartmuseum.org.
Credits: BCB host, audio editor and publisher: Diane Walker.
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