Raising children in the 21st century can be challenging, but Betsy Lydle Smith has some practical strategies to help your children develop the lifelong qualities they need to be happy and successful. Her parenting class at Parks and Rec starts January 9th.
Betsy’s work is based not only on her own experiences as a teacher, parent, and grandparent, but also on The Virtues Project®, a multicultural approach honored by the United Nations as a model program for families of all cultures. The values and strategies she’s teaching are being used in families, schools, and communities in more than 100 countries worldwide.
With this class, parents, grandparents, and caregivers can develop positive and productive ways to discipline, help resolve conflicts, help increase self-esteem, and develop such qualities in their children as honesty, responsibility, courage and integrity.
Parenting the 21st Century Child will begin Wednesday, Jan. 9 from 10 am to noon at the Bainbridge Island Aquatic Center. A registration fee of $50 covers five class sessions; you can register now at http://www.biparks.org or call 206-842-2302 to sign up.
Credits: BCB host and audio editor: Diane Walker;social media: Jen St. Louis.
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