From BCB… wu-236-open-mic-science-march-7
2015 was the warmest year on record. Are you worried about climate change yet? If so, you might want to attend Dr. Gary Lagerloef’s upcoming presentation “Climate Science in the Space Age – an Update” for Open Mic Science Night at the Treehouse Cafe, Monday March 7 at 8 PM. Listen here as Dr. Lagerloef, senior scientist at Earth and Space Research, talks with BCB host Sonia Scaer about his climate research.
In Gary’s presentation he will explain the many aspects of climate research based on satellite measurements and some new findings since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2013. IPCC reports cover “the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.”
Dr. Lagerloef began his career in oceanography as an undergraduate, completed a Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography at the University of Washington in 1984, and later worked in private sector marine science. From 1988-1990, he served as Physical Oceanography Program Manager at NASA in Washington DC in the ocean science remote sensing program. In 1995, he co-founded Earth and Space Research, a non-profit scientific research institute in Seattle where he has developed several research projects devoted to studies of the upper ocean dynamics and climate variability using satellites. For more details about Earth & Space Research visit the website at
The pub at the Treehouse Café in Lynwood Center is the venue for monthly first Monday “Open Mic Science” conversations. The public is invited to grab a beverage and explore ideas in various aspects of science and technology in an informal, social setting. Inspired by Café Scientifique, the gatherings are committed to public understanding of science. For more details about the Science Café program on Bainbridge Island, Open Mic Science, please check out
Credits: BCB host: Sonia Scaer; BCB audio editor: Chris Walker; social media publishers: Chris and Diane Walker.
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