How do wild salmon, hatchery salmon and farmed fish interact with Orca whales and our desire to have a stable environment? The Patagonia-sponsored documentary, Artifishal, explores these questions and more: come see it at the Lynwood theatre November 7 and meet the film’s producer, Bainbridge Islander Dylan Tomine.
Tomine is a fisherman, forager, writer, conservationist and father, not necessarily in that order. His book, Closer to the Ground (Patagonia Books, 2012), is an account of a year in his family’s life as they forage, process, cook and eat wild foods from the land and waters around their Bainbridge Island home.
In this podcast Dylan talks with BCB’s Chris Walker about the making of Artifishal, which he produced in hopes that there will be fish for his kids, Skyla and Weston, when they grow up. Listen here as he describes some of the work being done to protect wild salmon – a subject of growing interest in light of recent fish pen failures and our local Orca population decline.
The film will be presented at 7pm Thursday November 7 at the Historic Lynwood Theatre. A discussion will follow with Tomine and Kurt Beardslee, the Director of the Wild Fish Conservancy. For free tickets, visit
Credits: BCB host and audio editor: Chris Walker; publisher: Chris Walker.
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