Debby Haase describes the annual event called “Spiral of Light” which commemorates with candlelight, harp music, chanting and labyrinths the Wednesday December 21st winter solstice as the longest night of the year.
This annual event, initially celebrated at the local Waldorf School, will take place this year at the Dayaalu Center at 159 Wyatt Way in Winslow, from 7pm to 9pm. Doors open at 6:45pm.
As explained on the Dayaalu website, this is a “beautiful and profound ceremony that honors the symbolic rebirth of the sun and the promise of renewed life.”
In this podcast, Debby explains to BCB’s Channie Peters that the event was originally celebrated at the Bainbridge Island Waldorf School where Debby was formerly a teacher.
The event this year is facilitated by Debby and by Kathryn LaFond, with special guest Judy Friesem playing the harp. Participants will carry candles around labyrinth-like spirals, accompanied by the sounds of toning, chanting and song.
This ceremony for 2016 is likely to be an uplifting antidote to the stresses and anguish of a distressing year in the national news.
The suggested donation is $15. You may either register in advance at the Dayaalu website, or simply come early at 6:45 and pay at the door.
Credits: BCB host: Channie Peters; BCB audio editor and social media publisher: Barry Peters.
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