Multi-media! Puppets! A giant on stilts! Written by Andrew Lippa (The Addams Family), Big Fish is a Broadway musical with great heart and humor — guaranteed fun for the whole family.
In this upcoming BPA production, which will run May 12 -28 (with a pay-what-you-can preview on Thursday, May 11th) Jason Gingold stars as Edward Bloom, the bigger than life father whose fantastic tales amuse everyone except his son, who searches for the truth in his father’s tales and life.
Listen here as Jason and Big Fish musical director Aimee Hong describe the show’s touching plot and beautiful music, and share what they find to be challenging, rewarding and inspiring about this show and its story. It seems clear from their discussion that audiences will leave the theatre humming the beautiful musical themes and reflecting thoughtfully on their own relationships with parents and children.
For more information and tickets for this heartwarming new BPA production, visit
Credits: BCB host: Channie Peters; BCB audio editor and social media publisher: Diane Walker.
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