From BCB…

In this second of a six-part series with Joe Pulicicchio, Director of Produce and Floral for Town and Country Markets, Joe kicks off the discussion with a detailed accounting of various berries. 

Listen here as Joe fills us in on where T&C berries come from and some of the seasonal changes that dictate when and how they are picked, packed and shipped. He addresses some of the challenges of growing good quality strawberries and when to expect more at T&C Markets.

We’ll also hear the surprising story of the ‘white’ corn on the cob already available at T&C, and what we can expect with corn through the seasons.

Joe’s delightful sense of humor and deep understanding of how and where quality produce is grown and delivered to the T&C Market comes through as he explains the large variety of fruits and vegetables that will be coming available in the next few weeks.

Look for the next podcast featuring Joe Pulicicchio in early June.

Credits: BCB host: Robert Ross; audio editor: Chris Walker; social media publisher: Diane Walker.