The eighth and final episode of Bainbridge Stay at Home Companion, “The Next First Step,” is hosted by Pete Benson and produced by Miranda Feldtman, Liz Ellis, Matt Longmire, Ann Wilkinson-Ellis, and John Ellis.
“May I Have Your Attention Please: This is REALLY Your Captain Speaking”
Featuring Travis Samson and Tim Koivu
Written by Miranda Feldtman and Liz Ellis
Edited by Travis Samson
“Animal Radio”
Written by Layne DeGrow and Liz Ellis
Performed (with significant improvements) by Henry Epp, Justin Lynn, JC Figueroa, Jesse Smith, Catherine MacLeod, Cynthia Lair, Layne DeGrow, Ted Dowling, and Kayla Teel
“Shakespeare in the Dark: Macbeth”
Featuring Maddy Garfunkel in conversation with Miranda Feldtman
And the improv stylings of Bhama Roget, Hope Koon, and John Ellis
Our theme music is by Adam Prairie.
You can learn more about Raising Resilience at their website, This program is a collaboration between Bainbridge Performing Arts, Bainbridge Prepares, and BCB, a community service of BARN.
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