From BCB…

From Kachina doll drawings to bookmaking, from opera to artist, the Bainbridge Island library offerings for August are sure to inspire!

On Saturday, August 1 from 2-3:30 Opera aficionado Norm Hollingshead will  introduce us to the splendor of ancient Babylon, the yearning of a nationless people and the heartfelt trials of a pair of star-crossed lovers in Nabucco, Verdi’s epic account of King Nebuchadnezzar as brought to life by the Seattle Opera.

An open house for Barbara Winther’s collection of Kachina doll drawings, from her book, The Time of the Kachinas, will be held Friday August 7 from 5-7 pm. And on Wednesday, August 19, from 5:30 to 8 pm Artist Susan Callan will teach grades 7 to adult the ancient art of handmade books — call 842-4162 to register, as space is limited.

On Wednesday, August 26 from 7-9pm Anne Bulmer Brewer will share the story of her new BARN-inspired jewelry creations, and on Friday, August 28 from 1:30 to 3 The Salon will again meet to share stimulating conversation. A short article or essay to frame this month’s topic and stimulate ideas will be posted on the library’s web site at:

Lots of fun and art opportunities at the library this month: don’t miss it!

Credits: BCB host, tech, and audio editor: Joanna Pyle; BCB social media publisher: Diane Walker.