Congratulations to our 2024 leadership team! We’re excited about a great year in Fiber Arts. We’re still on the lookout for a treasurer, so if you’re looking for a great way to give back to the studio, contact incoming Studio Lead Sara Bantle for more information.

Sara was first introduced to knitting by her grandmother and then her Finnish host mother. Knitting has been her constant companion as she has moved and lived around the world with her husband and two kids. She is an aspiring hat maker, and is incredibly inspired by the Fiber Arts Studio, both by the humans and the beauty they create. You can reach her at

And congratulations to the rest of the fiber leadership team!

Programming Coordinator – Robyn Weimer

Laurel Sprigg  Sewing Coordinator
Dale Walker  Needle Arts Coordinator
Deanna Wilkes-Gibbs – Surface Design Coordinator
Alex McKeon – Weaving Coordinator

We’re grateful for these incredible volunteers and will officially welcome them at a winter social early in the new year. Watch for an announcement soon.

This article was originally published in BARN’s Fiber Arts Studio Newsletter. Subscribe to receive Fiber Arts news in your inbox. View all Fiber Arts classes to see upcoming events.