BARN Tuition Assistance Protocols 2024

Updated February 2024

As one expression of BARN’s core value of inclusivity, the BARN Tuition Assistance program provides financial support to make classes and events accessible to all members and guests. Annually, BARN plans a tuition assistance fund. Students apply through a link available on every catalog posting. BARN typically offers Tuition Assistance in increments of 10% off the price of the class. Students are encouraged to contribute a minimum of either 20% of the total registration price, or the full materials fee, whichever is greater. Students are encouraged to apply, however, no matter whether they can contribute toward a class. BARN’s tuition assistance fund covers the balance.
These processes and policies apply to all applicants regardless of membership status.

The BARN program manager can make exceptions to these protocols at their discretion.


  • Before registering for the class and at least 10 business days before the start of the desired class, the applicant completes the tuition assistance request. This form is found on each catalog posting and at
  • BARN processes requests within 3 business days and will notify the student of the outcome by email. If BARN awards tuition assistance, the student will receive a confirmation letter including:
    • the amount of assistance BARN grants toward the registration fee
    • the student’s portion of the registration fee
    • a discount code the student will use to register for the class (on the Registrant Selection page during checkout)
    • the expiration date of the discount code (usually 5 business days from the date of the email)
  • If the student does not use the discount code by the expiration date, the student loses the offer of assistance.
  • BARN cannot guarantee that tuition assistance requests submitted less than 10 business days before the start of class will be reviewed.
  • BARN does not accept tuition assistance requests for classes that are already full.

Cancellation Policy

  • If the student cancels their registration more than 7 days (168 hours) prior to the start of the class, BARN will refund the student’s portion of the class fee minus 15% in accordance with our cancellation policy. The tuition assistance award amount will not count toward the student’s annual assistance limit (see below).
  • If the student cancels less than 7 days (168 hours) prior to the start of the class or doesn’t attend the class, BARN’s cancellation policy will apply (no refund), and the total assistance available to the student will be reduced by the amount the student would have been awarded.
  • If BARN cancels the class, BARN will refund the student’s portion of the class fee in accordance with our cancellation policy. The tuition assistance award amount will not count toward the student’s annual assistance limit (see below).


  • Students may not receive more than $900 of tuition assistance per calendar year based on the start date of the class. (If an applicant applies in 2024 for a class occurring in 2025, the tuition assistance counts toward the student’s 2025 limit.)
  • Students are encouraged to contribute a minimum of either 20% of the total registration price or the full materials fee, whichever is greater.
  • BARN does not provide retroactive tuition assistance, either for classes that occurred in the past or for students who register for classes prior to requesting tuition assistance.


BARN makes every effort to maintain the privacy of students requesting tuition assistance. Only BARN office staff processing tuition assistance requests see applications.